Fine Artist
"My art is predominantly based around realism, shrouded with elements of mystery which are coming from my inner world and sublime thinking. In many cases, the composition is set in a form of a rebus, with a desire to provoke the audience's imagination to unlock the true meaning of the story."
"My art is predominantly based around realism, shrouded with elements of mystery which are coming from my inner world and sublime thinking. In many cases, the composition is set in a form of a rebus, with a desire to provoke the audience's imagination to unlock the true meaning of the story."
"My art is predominantly based around realism, shrouded with elements of mystery which are coming from my inner world and sublime thinking. In many cases, the composition is set in a form of a rebus, with a desire to provoke the audience's imagination to unlock the true meaning of the story."

Born in 1969 in Kumanovo, Macedonia.
Finished a College of Applied Arts in Skopje, Macedonia, where he also graduated at the Faculty of Fine Arts
A member of DLUM (National Artists Association of Macedonia)
A member of ,, Societe des Artistes Francais"
A member of ,, SOCIÉTÉ DU SALON D’AUTOMNE -Paris "
A member of Académie des Arts-Sciences-Lettres de PARIS
An author of many individual projects and exhibitions in Macedonia and abroad
- Awards:
1998 - "Konstantin Mazev‚‚ painting small format КИЦ Скопје
2012 - "Medaille de bronze ‚‚ Salon des Artistes Francais /Grand Palais /Paris
2013 - "Medaille d`argent,, Salon des Artistes Francais /Grand Palais /Paris
2014 - "Medaille d`or,, Salon des Artistes Francais /Grand Palais /Paris
2015 - "Medaille d`or,, Salon National des Beaux Arts / Louvre / Paris
2015 - "Dimitar Kondovski" DLUM (National Artist Association of Macedonia)
2016 - ''Prix ADAGP '' Le Salon des Beaux Arts / Louvre/ Paris
2016 - 1st PRIZE WINNER of PALM ART AWARD / Germany
2017 - 1st Absolute Prize in the Paintings section / Marchionni Prize / Italy
2017- Kitz Award 2017 / Austria
2018- TOP 10 Artist of the Year Award from Circle Foundation /France
2018- Winner of Art Expo Venice / Italy
2018- Golden Medal of Merit and Contribution to Art in 2018 by French 'Société Académique' Arts-Sciences-Lettres/ France
2019- Golden Medal in category "surrealism and symbolism" awarded by the Mondial Art Academia
2019- Golden Medal in "all categories" awarded by the Mondial Art Academia
2019- "ISMAIL LULANI' International Award , Second Prize winner VIZart International Biennial "Self -Portrait " Tirana/Albania
2020- Winner in Oil Medium (Artist Category) , Jumbish World Art Competition 5.0 - Portrait theme / India
2020- Grand Winner (Artist Category), Jumbish World Art Competition 5.0 - Portrait theme / India
2020- Catalogue Prize - Malamegi Lab16 - art prize / Italy
2023 - Grand Prix du Conseil Departamental des Vosges. du 37e Salon de Peinture et sculpture de Vittel / France
2023 - Prix Taylor /Le Salon des Beaux Arts /Réfectoire des Cordeliers / PARIS / septembre 2023
2023 - Top Figurative Art Masters Year end 2023 TOP ART AWARDS / USA
2024 - Golden Medal in category "CONTEMPORARY FIGURATION CATEGORY" awarded by the Mondial Art Academia
2024 - 2nd Place Award / The CFA Artist of the Year Award 2023-2024
2024 - GRAND PRIZE / BEST PAINTER OF THE YEAR at the Best Art Awards 2023 competition
2024 - ,,Premio Special Artelibre Award" on ModPortrait MEAM · Museu Europeu d’Art Modern / Barcelona
2024 - The Special Prize of the Scientific Committee of the MAGMMA Museum "for the international dimension reached in the last years", Sardegna – Italy
2024 - Médaille d’Argent / Le Salon des Beaux Arts 2024 / Paris / France
2024 - Prix ODI Song Dong / Le Salon des Beaux Arts 2024 / Paris / France
Commissioned to do a number of paintings for Museum of the Macedonian Struggle-Skopje , Macedonia
Commissioned to paint the ceiling of the National Theatre in Skopje Macedonia
- Lives and works as an independent artist in Saint Paul de Vence /France and Kumanovo/ Macedonia
Artistic approach
-My art is predominantly based around surrealism, finely knitted with
motives which come out from the reach Macedonian tradition. My works unite
elements structured of realism of the old masters coupled with surrealistic elements
structured around our past, present and future. Most of my works are done in
oil on canvas, however I do endeavour to use my skills in producing icons on
wood done in the very best traditional Byzantine style; something that is
still present and well preserved in my country. I also do mix media works
staging both traditionalism and surrealism.